Open Standards for Quality Information and Recognition

QualityLink aims to address all stakeholders’ needs by furnishing them with all relevant information about courses and micro-credentials from a diversity of sources to improve recognition decisions and allow learners to follow flexible learning pathways. Quality information on study programs and other courses is often dispersed throughout many different platforms and sites, and they are not interoperable. To make sure that the standards are of high quality and have ownership in the community, the consortium will create a Standards Consultation Board – a group of higher education interoperability experts from across different countries. Through creating open standards and collaboration, the project aims to establish the infrastructure for aggregating quality information from a wide range of sources.

Our Mission

QualityLink strives to empower stakeholders, including students, institutions, employers, and recognition information centres, by providing them comprehensive and relevant quality data on courses and micro-credentials.

Our Vision

QualityLink envisions a seamless and interoperable environment where quality information on study programs and micro-credentials is easily accessible and interoperable across diverse sources.

Our Values


As a guiding principle, ensuring that all project endeavours adhere to the highest standards.


As a positive force for driving continuous improvement and innovation.

Student-centric approach

That empower learners to navigate the diverse landscape and make personalized choices.


By avoiding compound indicators, allowing the end user to make their own informed decisions.

Openness and inclusivity

In aggregating, sharing, and disseminating data.

Democratization of access to quality data

Making it universally accessible and beneficial to a broad spectrum of stakeholders.