EDEN Digital Learning Europe

Quality Link Project Partner

Who we are

EDEN Digital Learning Europe was created to continue the 30+ years of operation of the European Distance and E-Learning Network once the United Kingdom left the European Community. It exists to share knowledge and improve understanding amongst professionals in distance and e-learning and to promote policy and practice across the whole of Europe and beyond.
EDEN Digital Learning Europe is an international educational association and not-for-profit organisation. As a professional community for smart learning, we foster knowledge exchange and enhance understanding among professionals in distance and e-learning, while promoting best practices and policies throughout Europe and beyond.
Established in 2019 as an international educational association and not-for-profit organisation, EDEN Digital Learning Europe is open to institutions and individuals dealing with e-learning, and – more broadly speaking – open and distance education. Providing versatile expertise, the Association embraces all levels of formal and non-formal education and training. EDEN Europe has been consistently instrumental in the promotion of networking, international co-operation and professional development.

Why are we participating in the project

The project is aligned with the mission of EDEN Digital Learning Europe to help share knowledge and improve understanding amongst professionals and institutions interested in promoting new models of digital learning.

Our role in the project

EDEN Digital Learning Europe is playing an important networking and dissemination role in the project. Additionally, EDEN has previously contributed to other European funded projects in the area of Micro-credentials and is building on this experience to contribute academic and conceptual leadership in the design, development and ongoing research on the changing credential ecology across Europe.