Knowledge Innovation Centre

Quality Link Project Partner

Who we are

The Knowledge Innovation Centre (KIC) is a niche research and consultancy organisation with a mission to transform the ways we learn and work to give the opportunity to every person to reach their full potential. We take a systemic approach to change, focusing on improving education & skills policies and practices globally, via cooperation with governments, international organisations, universities and civil society. We help our clients and partners meet the challenges and discover the opportunities of digitisation, and mainstream innovation with the help of quality management. Our international team of experts, analysts and designers integrate diversity, inclusion, and environmental sustainability into everything we do.

Why are we participating in the project

KIC is a global leader in the field of digital and micro-credentialing. The company was instrumental in formulating the EU Approach to micro-credentials and designed the European Digital Credentials Infrastructure. We are active in the Europass and EQF Advisory Groups, the W3C Verifiable Credentials User Group, and the European Blockchain Partnership.
KIC has researched issues around unbundling and digital credentialing for over ten years and assists clients with implementing business processes for micro-credentialing and technologies for digital credentialing across various standards.
The Centre has also provided knowledge transfer services to nearly 30 Erasmus and Erasmus+ projects. KIC specialises in translating project results into digestible outputs such as policy recommendations, indicator dashboards or handbooks, and getting them into the hands of the appropriate target groups be they students, educational researchers, institutional leaders, or policy makers.

Our role in the project

KIC has lead responsibility for several key analytical and technical tasks, including the analysis of technical feasibility for different quality indicators, developing proposals for technical standards to publish and exchange trusted lists and quality data, mocking up and developing a prototype platform to showcase aggregated quality data. KIC also develops the project website, logo and branding, and contributes further technical development and engineering tasks in cooperation with EUF.