Project Output


Ontology Mapping

Over the past months, the QualityLink consortium has been working on a technical architecture for exchanging data on courses and micro-credentials. A standardised ontology will be at the heart of the proposed architecture. It will ensure semantic interoperability and serve as a “backbone” when aggregating and matching data from different sources.
The ontology will need to cover basic course data as well as the quality indicators to be addressed within the project. The project consortium looked into numerous existing data models and API specifications that standardise basic course data or quality in different ways. The following illustration and table provide an overview of the different domains covered by those:



Maintained by

Technical approach

European Learning Model (ELM)

Used in the context of the European Digital Credentials for Learning (EDC) or the Qualification Dataset Register (QDR).

European Commission, DG Employment

RDF ontology and application profiles


Based on the CEN standard EN 15981-2011 EuroLMAI and used in Emrex.


XML schema

EWP Courses API

Used in the Erasmus Without Papers network.

EWP consortium

XML schema

Open Course Catalogue API (OCCAPI

Inspired by the EWP APIs.


REST API + JSON schema

Open Education API (OOAPI)

Specification developed by Dutch HEIs and used in some European University alliances; some overlap/similarity to Edu-API, but covers additional domains.

SURF & Community

REST API + JSON schema


Candidate specification inspired by different existing 1EdTech standards.


REST API + JSON schema

Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR) 

Aggregates standardised information on quality assurance results from European QA agencies.


REST API + JSON schema

European Higher Education Sector Observatory (EHESO, previously ETER) & OrgReg

Maintains basic institutional descriptors and aggregates statistical data on HEIs from national sources.

EHESO consortium on behalf of European Commission

REST API + JSON schema

Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL)

Developed by a US-based think tank and used for its Credential Registry.

Credential Engine

RDF ontology

A detailed comparison how basic data and indicators are modelled by the most relevant existing standards is available in a separate spreadsheet. As part of the QualityLink work programme we will be proposing ontologies for those indicators that are not yet modelled by any existing standard.